Andy Lin, Board of Directors

林維洋 理事

💼 Co-Founder & Artistic Director

🏢 New Asia Chamber Music Society

Year Joined: 2017

President, TJCCNY, 2018 & 2019

President, 20th TJCCNA, 2023 - 2024

Advising President, 21st TJCCNA

President, 15th WTCCJC

Andy Lin was the second President of TJCCNY since its reinstatement. Currently serving as President of Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce of North America (TJCCNA), Vice President of World Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce Junior Chapter (WTCCJC), and Overseas Chinese Affairs Advisory Committee member.

Taiwanese born violist and erhuist (Chinese violin), Wei-Yang Andy Lin, is recognized as one of the most promising and the only active performers who specialized in both western and eastern instruments.  Praised by The Strad “The great Molto adagio…..elicited some of the night’s most sensitive work, especially from Wei-Yang Andy Lin on viola.” and New York Times “Taiwanese-born violist Wei-Yang Andy Lin..…is also a virtuoso on the erhu, and he gave a brilliant performance.”  Andy is the artistic director and co-founder of the New Asia Chamber Music Society.  He holds his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from The Juilliard School and received his Doctor’s degree in Musical Arts from SUNY Stony Brook.  He has won numerous competitions including Taiwan National Viola Competition and First Prize in the 2008 Juilliard Viola Concerto Competition.  He has also appeared as a viola and/or erhu soloist with orchestras such as the Busan Metropolitan Traditional Music Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, Children’s Orchestra Society, Grant Park Symphony Orchestra, Incheon Philharmonic, the Juilliard Orchestra, Milwaukee Symphony, New York Classical Players, Orford Academy Orchestra, Solisti Ensemble and Yonkers Philharmonic Orchestra.  Andy is also a founding member of the award winning string quartet, the Amphion String Quartet, and a member of the Musicians of Lenox Hill and serves as principal violist of the New York Classical Players and the Solisti Ensemble.  He has been invited to perform chamber music with Itzhak Perlman where The New York Times described “Mr. Perlman, playing first violin… answered in kind by the violist Wei-Yang Andy Lin.”  He has also been invited by the Metropolitan Museum to give recitals at their Gallery Concert Series and Patrons Lounge Concert, as well as a recital at the Caramoor Center for the Music and the Arts.  Andy plays on a viola made by one of his best friends Jacob Ho. (

Andy Lin 林維洋,紐約青商會復會理事以及第二屆會長、現任北美台灣青商部會長、世界台灣商會聯合總會青商會的副會長、以及紐約僑務促進委員、也是世台聯合基金會紐約總部的聯席董事以及世台亞太中心的理事。他在今年初榮獲美國總統志工獎,由世台聯合基金會所頒發。Andy是一位世界級的中提琴家以及二胡演奏家,他以全額獎學金取得茱莉亞大學以及碩士學位,更以全額獎學金在紐約州立大學石溪分校取得博士學位,他同時也是新亞室內樂協會的藝術總監及共同創辦人。林維洋憑藉著純熟敏銳的演奏技巧以及在舞臺上驚人的音樂渲染力,使他的邀約不斷。近期音樂 會包括與世界級鋼琴家朗朗一起在『朗朗的迪士尼』音樂會裡合奏演出迪士尼電影木蘭的『倒 影』。他也在夏天首次在墨西哥亮相,於Festival PAAX GNP音樂節演出世界知名的古 巴爵士樂手與作曲家Paquito D’Rivera所創作的的二胡協奏曲The Journey。林維洋曾與多個樂團合奏演出協奏曲,其中包含韓國仁川管弦樂團、紐約Yonkers管弦樂團以及紐約古典樂手樂團。2016年受邀至韓國釜山國際音樂節並與加拿大Orford Amademy管弦樂團演出協奏曲;2017年,再次受邀至韓國釜山國際音樂節演出鋼琴四重奏以及與釜山民族樂團用二胡合奏演出奚琴協奏曲『秋想』。2018年,他再次受邀於母校茱利亞音樂學院回校與其管弦樂團在Focus! Festival中演出二胡協奏曲『亂草』,因此而成為茱利亞創校以來唯一一位兩次與該校樂團合奏演出中樂以及西樂的協奏曲,紐約時報也給予高度的評價:「台灣出生的中提琴家林維洋……同時也是一位二胡獨奏家,他給了一場絕無倫比的演出。」他也長年受邀於紐約大 都會博物館 (The Metropolitan Museum) 給予二胡獨奏音樂會

BOD Highlight article on Andy Lin.