Start-Up Incubator Mentorship Program

The Incubator Program provides a supportive environment for Taiwanese entrepreneurs to develop, launch, and scale their businesses in New York and across the US , leveraging resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

Why do we launch the incubator program?

We want to support Taiwanese entrpreneurs in NYC with a 5+3-month intensive incubation program.

If you are…

  • Interested in developing your business in New York or the USA

  • Searching for a supportive environment for launching your business

  • Looking for resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities

Who gets to join the program?

  • At least one of the founders must be of Taiwanese descent or nationality.

  • Must have a viable idea or an early-stage startup.

  • Commitment to participate in the full duration of the program.

What does the program consist of?

  • Workshops and Training: Monthly workshops covering topics such as business planning, marketing, financial management, legal aspects, and scaling strategies.

  • Mentorship: Each participant will be paired with a mentor from the industry relevant to their business.

  • Networking Events: Monthly networking events with potential investors, industry experts, and successful entrepreneurs.

  • Funding Opportunities: Introduction to venture capital and angel investors. Potential see funding for top-performing startups.

What are the rules and responsibities?

  • Attendance: Participants must attend at least 90% of scheduled workshops and events.

  • Progress Report: Monthly progress reports are to be submitted to the program coordinator.

  • Code of Conduct: Adherence to the incubator’s code of conduct, which includes professionalism, respect for others, and maintaining a collaborative environment.

  • Intellectual Property: Participants retain ownership of the intellectual property developed during the program.



Apply today and join the program!

Deadline: July 31st, 2024

Contact us.

Christy Lee 李佩芳
Line: christy0222
email: christylee1222@gmail.com


  • Yes. The application fee is $50 for the whole team. The founder or applicant (1) can automatically become a TJCCNY member for a year.

  • Yes. At least one of the founding members has to have Taiwanese heritage or nationality.

  • No, it is not required to have LLC, INC., or any formation completed. A viable and original idea or an early-stage startup is acceptable.

  • No, it is not required. But all members of the team may chose to sign up to our annual membership program. The applicant will automatically receive membership after paying the application fee.